Carroll L. McCauley III

Delivering Wise And Practical Legal Solutions For 25 Years

Fair Spousal Support Agreements From An Experienced Lawyer

Last updated on April 2, 2024

Florida revised its spousal support statute a few years ago to make such awards more fair and more predictable. Nonetheless, this remains a complex and contentious issue that may have a bearing on your finances and standard of living long after your divorce is finalized.

The legal team at McCauley Law Offices, P.A., can capably assert your best interests in the negotiation or litigation of spousal support (alimony). Having handled hundreds of divorces over the past 19 years in the Bay County area, including many military divorces, we are familiar with the different categories of alimony, the statutory considerations and how the local judges typically rule on these matters.

Schedule your first appointment with us. Reach us online or call 850-299-4070.

Will There Be Alimony In Your Florida Divorce?

Spousal support is not always awarded. It depends on many factors, starting with how long you were married. The statute defines marriage as short-term (less than seven years), moderate-term (seven to 16 years) or long-term (17 years or more) and provides four different types of support:

  • Bridge-the-gap alimony — Assistance for the transition back to single life, not modifiable and not to exceed two years in duration
  • Rehabilitative alimony — Allowing the spouse to re-establish a career or obtain schooling or training to become self-sufficient
  • Durational alimony — Awarded for a set period of time when permanent alimony is not warranted, as in a short- or moderate-term marriage
  • Permanent alimony — Awarded after long-term marriages to sustain a comparable standard of living, or in shorter marriages if the spouse is unable to become self-sufficient

Aside from duration of the marriage, the court must consider a number of factors, including the age and health of each party, their incomes and financial resources, their education level and earning capacities, contributions to the marriage, ongoing responsibilities regarding minor children, tax consequences and “any other factor necessary to do equity and justice.” The court can also consider adultery by either spouse in the determination of alimony.

Making A Case For An Appropriate Level Of Support

While there are statutory guidelines, there are opportunities for a skilled lawyer to argue for or against alimony, or to influence the amount or duration of the award. Carroll L. McCauley III is a courtroom veteran who can put your best foot forward and effectively counter when the other party takes an unreasonable stance regarding alimony.

We also handle modifications and enforcement of spousal support. Alimony awards can be modified when there is a substantial change in circumstances, or terminated if the recipient remarries.

Our personalized approach to legal matters lends itself particularly well to your needs when it comes to modifications. Because we take the time to work with you and understand what makes your case different from others, we get to know those details of your life that can often make the difference in modifications.

Because these are such personal matters, you will want to work with an attorney who understands people. With our decades of service, our staff understands how to deliver quality legal representation to you in a compassionate manner. You will rest easier knowing that you have entrusted your legal concerns to a team you feel comfortable with when it comes to sharing personal (and sometimes difficult) details of your life.

Reach Out To Our Professionals

Our team understands the difficult emotional dynamics in these situations. As a result, when we advise you, you will be able to make difficult decisions about your future with more confidence.

To arrange a consultation with our Panama City spousal support attorney, call McCauley Law Offices, P.A., at 850-299-4070 or contact us online.